Learn Best Cyber Security Practices Through Cyber Security Training

Cybercrimes are increasingly becoming a considerable threat worldwide, and there is a dire need to educate the workforce to stay safe from the increasing cyber threats. The year is 2021, and it has become all the more important than ever to educate and train the users and workplace on good cybersecurity practices.

In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, we had achieved a lot. People and businesses adopted new ways of working. Corporates adapted to deal with remote working environments and termed it a new normal, but this came amid challenges and fear of cyber threats. Risks such as phishing, ransomware, malware attack encountered during the remote working environment.

Businesses now realised the importance of investing in cybersecurity measures as cybercrimes had the potential disrupting a country’s economic progress by attacking the main pillars of the digital economy. Reports suggest cyber crimes have increased alarmingly during the covid times. It is not just the large businesses that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, but small and medium-sized enterprises are equally at risk.

Training the employees at the workplace use to often get overlooked. As much as investing in newer technologies is crucial, it is equally important to educate workers about the basics of safe cyber practices. It is high time to inform the staff that clicking an unknown link in the mail can lead to serious cybersecurity threats for the entire organisation. And the pace with which the technology has been changing, need to ensure repeated campaigns on awareness and training.

Cybersecurity companies recommend conducting training sessions with employees regularly. The firm’s IT department is there to help, but they cannot handle everything, and in-fact they themselves need update/upgrade to defend well. Human error is the cause of most cybersecurity breaches, and with information security training, the breaches can significantly reduce. The employees are also known as the last line of defence in a company’s security, the ‘human firewall.’

Information security training empowers individuals to make better decisions and recognise potential cyber-attacks.

  • The information security training helps the firm recognise and respond to cyber-attacks, phishing, and malware.

  • It protects the staff by keeping them up to date with the knowledge.

  • It helps embed information security in day-to-day activities and reduces the number of security incidents.

Consider these recommendations to cover cyber threats:

Educate and train the employees

It is not easy to tell the difference between a regular or phishing email. However, through the help of cybersecurity training companies, it will be easy to understand that if an employee clicks on the wrong link, they may lose all the work and files.

The vast majority of ransomware comes through phishing. The information security training can cover the threat, identify the phishing emails, and the lesson to which link to click and not click.

Secure and verifiable backups

The worst-case scenario is to become infected with a cyberattack. Though organizations try their best maintaining backup of files and data, even the IT staff handling the backup need to be trained to ensure the backup is secure and usable. E.g., A common mistake for organisations is to attempt a restoration before the infection is cleared. While some antimalware solutions can help remove the infections, it is always recommended to secure the backup.

Update the security protocols

Cyber criminals target vulnerabilities in a system, network, software, application, and even people. The information security training keeps security posture and the human firewall up-to-date to identify and stop the cyberthreat.

Cybersecurity consulting and training companies can come up to help educate the employees to identify potential threats and provide solutions against cyberattacks.

Original link:https://blog.netrika.com/learn-best-cyber-security-practices-through-cyber-security-training/


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