Why Is Website Penetration Testing The Need Of The Hour?
Corporates have learnt this the hard way that vulnerabilities and loopholes in the security system can disrupt the business with the loss of money, reputation and much more. Not alone the advancements in technology and Convenience BUT unprecedented times has forced us go digital, and the internet tend to capture a lot about us and our businesses. The web access and these cloud-based applications introduce a new attack surface by malicious third parties, giving hackers the leverage to use the facts and take advantage of any vulnerability. The security issues are nothing but a ticking bomb waiting to blow off. You have to identify the loopholes and mitigate the vulnerabilities to protect the business and its data. A penetration test is a simulated cyber-attack used for web application security assessment , and vulnerability assessment. The penetrators use the hacker style on an application or website to gauge the gravity of the vulnerability, and potentially exploit to a leve...